Jingles – Ready to go!

Ready to go! So many times over the past year, I have wanted time to stand still as Jingles, our future Super Hero for Southeastern Guide Dogs has grown up before our eyes. We got her at 8 weeks old and now she is approaching 14 months. Jingles has perfected her commands, but time did…

Jingles – 11 Months

Jingles – 11 Months Do you ever count time and wonder if you have miscounted because the number you came up with can’t be right? That is what I keep doing with Jingles, our guide dog in training with Southeastern Guide Dogs. On Thursday, she will be 11 months old, which means our time with…

Jingles – 9 months

Jingles – 9 months It’s hard to believe that our puppy from Southeastern Guide Dogs, Jingles is now 9 months old. She continues to progress as a future superhero for a hero. We are now working on the close command, which is when she puts herself between our legs while we are seated in a…

Jingles – 7 months

Happy 7 month birthday to Jingles, our Haute Flavor future Superhero Seeing Eye Dog! She is progressing beautifully with her leash training, house manners and commands. Someone out there is going to be very lucky to have Jingles one day next year! In the meantime, she gives joy to Nashville!

Infinity Collar

Jingles & Her Infinity Collar At some point every little kid has to start growing up and Jingles has now started the adjustment period to an infinity collar. This unique collar is encouraged by Southeastern Guide Dogs to help in leash training. In particular, it assists in eliminating the urge puppies have to lunge at…

Jingles – 4 1/2 months

Jingles at 4-1/2 months old What a beautiful age for a puppy! We have turned a corner with Jingles and she has settled down quite a bit from her initial puppy energy. She still has lots of it, but it is so much easier to focus her on the task at hand now. And since the weather…

Jingles has a coat!

Yesterday, Jingles had her 4 month birthday. But the bigger deal happened on Saturday when she graduated from Puppy Kindergarten and officially earned her coat. This means the bandanna she has been wearing for work was traded in and it is a new time for training. She had to pass certain criteria in order to…

International Nap Day

In honor of National Nap Day, here is Jingles after a long morning at Puppy Kindergarten!


Attention! An important part of what we are learning in the puppy raiser process is when to recognize that Jingles is ready to do her homework. It’s easy to see when she is tired and needing a nap! Here she is all ready to practice command training. Her trigger word is “Yes!” This means that…