Vui’s Kitchen

Vui’s Kitchen 2832 Bransford Avenue Nashville, TN 37204 P: 615.241.8847 W: Hours: Mon – Sat: 11A – 9P I’ve wanted to go to Vui’s Kitchen since I knew of its existence. I’ve heard so many good things about it which, by the way, turned out to be true. I tried to go a couple…

Perfect Southern Cornbread

CORNBREAD South Pittsburg, TN is a charming little town between Murfreesboro and Chattanooga right off I-24. It is famously home to The Lodge, my very favorite maker of cast iron cookware. On the last weekend of April for the over two decades, the town has hosted the National Cornbread Festival, which is a fantastic family…

Salt & Vine

Salt & Vine 4001 Charlotte Avenue Nashville, TN 37209 P: 615.800.8517 W: Hours: Mon – Sat: 10A – 10P If you’ve visited this site before, you know that Tammy generally writes the recipe posts (unless they are libation-related), and I pen the restaurant reviews. This post will be no exception, but it is unique…