Summer Squash

You have gone from famine to feast with summer squash and now you are likely getting over the abundance. It overloads quickly, but that doesn’t mean it has to go to waste. I am a huge proponent of food preservation and squash is perfect for the freezer or canned if you have a mountain and…

Whole Chicken

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like to save money … particularly at the grocery store. That’s one of the reasons I regularly purchase a whole roasting chicken. The economics rule of meat is the more it is cut, the more it will cost. If you look at the price per pound of a whole…

Smoked & Grilled Chicken Wings

I love smoked foods. We smoked things all the time and do it with everything from cheese to boiled eggs to meats. It adds a layer of depth that enhances everything beyond just grilling. Chicken wings are the perfect example. They are delicious fried but not as healthy as you want. They are equally delicious…

Cheese Crackers

Cheese Crackers Thanks to life, we had to cancel a scheduled dinner party this week. Thanks to my freezer for coming to the rescue! I had made a batch of these slightly spicy Cheese Crackers to have with some other appetizers. They are very similar to cheese straws but easier to make and deliciously addictive….